Our History
Wells Cottage Hospital built by the estate of the Earl of Leicester supplying all the health needs of the community including major surgery.
Wells Hospital absorbed into the NHS on its formation together with most independent hospitals in the UK. Inpatient intermediate care unit with up to 15 beds staffed by NHS nurses and GPs.
Hospital inpatient beds closed by NHS although physiotherapy continued. Immediately a campaign begins to 'Save Wells Hospital'.
Following an NHS public consultation, the task of developing Wells Hospital 'with beds' is awarded to Wells Hospital and Hospice Charitable Trust. (WHHT)
September: 1st Wells Community Hospital, operated by the Trust under license, opens with a wide spectrum of ambulatory services.
Operating company is formed (now Wells Hospital Management Limited) as a CLG and social enterprise. Directors appointed from the local community. A business plan for a hospital with beds is written and submitted to PCT with request for Community Hospital Fund support.
WCH highly commended in East of England Health and Social Care awards for collaborative work with Queen Elizabeth Kings Lynn Hospital.
Strategic Health Authority support won for project team to work towards conclusion of original aims.
Project team and Wells Hospital to report to NHS Norfolk medical executive and Board.
Outline Business Case accepted by NHS Medical Executive and Board, (Mermaid Appeal) begins. Freehold of hospital land and buildings transferred to WCH Charitable Trust.
July: Norfolk Dialysis at the Mermaid Centre opens.
Jan: Wells Town Council Offices - Open within the hospital.
May: Official opening of Wells Community Hospital Trust's Dementia friendly gardens and Dementia Hub - offering support and activities for those living with Dementia
Plans for the intermediate bedded unit on land adjacent to the hospital continue to move forward.
Coastal Community Supermarket launched, offering cost efficient food for local residents in Wells and along the North and West coast
Wells Community Hospital Trust becomes Coastal Health and Wellbeing!